A comparative clinical study in adolesccncc betweenn behavioral and afective-anxious disorders: (II) familiar aspects and school adaptation



How to Cite

Agüero, A., Plumed, J. J., Conesa, L., & Giménez, A. (1997). A comparative clinical study in adolesccncc betweenn behavioral and afective-anxious disorders: (II) familiar aspects and school adaptation. Revista De Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil, (2), 96–101. Retrieved from https://aepnya.eu/index.php/revistaaepnya/article/view/562



Orginial article


  • A Agüero
  • J. J Plumed Hospital Clínico de Valencia
  • LL Conesa Hospital Clínico de Valencia
  • A. Giménez


Adolescence, Behavioral disorders, Afective disorders, Anxiety, Family, School Age


On a comparative study, two samples of teenegers with behavioral (N = 67) and afective-anxious (N = 68) disorders, collected on ambulatory consultory hours in Valencia's Clinical Hospital, during the years 1993-95, in relation to a group of family and school age variables. Ajler the statistical study (Test U Mann- Whitney) a diferential profile is established, considering the mentioned variables.


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