Psychotic borderline disorders in childhood and adolescence



How to Cite

Gómez-Ferrer Górriz, C. ., Ruiz Lozano, M. J. ., Coy Fuster, L. ., & Peñalver Mellado, J. M. . (2021). Psychotic borderline disorders in childhood and adolescence . Revista De Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil, (1), 22–30. Retrieved from



Orginial article


  • C. Gómez-Ferrer Górriz
  • M. J. Ruiz Lozano
  • L. Coy Fuster
  • J. M. Peñalver Mellado


Borderline disorders, Schizotypal disorder, Schizoid disorders, Childhood, Adolescence


We have reviewed the concepts of Schizotypal and Schizoid Disorders in Children and Adolescents, in the general bihliography and the differentslnternational Classi/ications, now we present two clinical cases belonging to these diagnoses. We believe that tbis review is very  useful hecause these pathologies are not common and this is important in order to carry out an early diagnosis and its suitable both psychofarmacological and psychologícal treatment.


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Author Biographies

C. Gómez-Ferrer Górriz

Jefe Servicio Psiquiatría Infantil

M. J. Ruiz Lozano

M IR-3 de Psiquiatría

L. Coy Fuster


J. M. Peñalver Mellado

Psiquiatra. Hosrital Rafael Méndez. Lorca Departamento de Psiquiatría. Hospital General Universitario. Murcia


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