Some considerations about the clinical repercussions of immigration on children. About a case



How to Cite

Gallicó Cantalejo, G. (1997). Some considerations about the clinical repercussions of immigration on children. About a case. Revista De Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil, (1), 54–57. Retrieved from



Case reports


  • G Gallicó Cantalejo Universitat de Barcelona


clinical repercussions, immigration on children


In this clinical case, we intend to approach some of the psychological repercussions that can appear as a consequence of immigration. In general, immigration is a painful and difficult experience to work out emotionally. Our purpose is to focus mainly on the consequences that poorly prepared grief by parents who have had to immigrate to another region, forced for work reasons, can affect their children even though they were already born in the native region. We present a clinical case, which responds to these characteristics.


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