Sustitution of family figures zn the child and adolescent fight



How to Cite

Villanueva Suárez, C. ., Sánchez del Hoyo, P. ., Baro, C. ., Rodríguez, I. ., & Sanz Rodríguez, L. J. (2001). Sustitution of family figures zn the child and adolescent fight . Revista De Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil, (4), 27–31. Retrieved from



Orginial article


  • C Villanueva Suárez
  • P Sánchez del Hoyo
  • C Baro
  • I Rodríguez
  • L J Sanz Rodríguez


lnfant mouming, loss, substitute figure


The purpose of tlús work was to analyze the elabora­r ion of the child and youthful mourning through the study of children and teenagers histories who requested for help in the Mental Health Service of Parla after the one of their paren tes loss ( due to deod or separar ion). Moreover, we tried to determine if the presence of subs­titute figures and rhe relationship with the family exerrs a modulator effect o ver the adaptation leve! of the chil­dren. The sample consisted of 35 individuals. We used a questionnaire to pick up infonnation about the varia­bles hypothetically relevan! in the mouming elabora­tion. The only variable which showed a statistically sig­nificant dependency with the adaptation leve[ was the relationship with the family of the lost or discontinuous parental figure. 


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Author Biographies

C Villanueva Suárez

Psicóloga. Servicio Salud Mental Parla, área 10, Madrid-España.

P Sánchez del Hoyo

Psicóloga. Servicio Salud Mental Parla, área 10, Madrid-España.

C Baro

Trabajadora social. Servicio Salud Mental Parla, área 10, Madrid ­España

I Rodríguez

Enfermera. Servicio Salud Mental Parla, área 10, Madrid-España.

L J Sanz Rodríguez

Psicólogo P.1.R. Hospital Universitario de Getafe, área 10, Madrid ­Espafla


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