Psichopathological profile in a group of youngsters using design drugs



How to Cite

Sánchez Toret, M., & Abella Pons, F. (1999). Psichopathological profile in a group of youngsters using design drugs. Revista De Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil, (2), 85–91. Retrieved from



Orginial article


  • M. Sánchez Toret Universitat de Barcelona
  • F Abella Pons Universitat de Lleida


Ecstasy, Mini-Mult, psychopathological profile


It is studied a group of eleven youngsters who require counselling in a specialised centre far using designer drugs, specially ecstasy, with an age range between 17.44 and 22 years old, being all of them abstinent during the study. It is researched the definition of a psychopathological profile that describes this group, against another group of non-drug users, with the same sociodemographic characteristics. In the users' group, psychopathology is observed in nearly all the scales of Mini-Mult (reduced version of MMPI Personality Questionnaire) except far Hysteria and Psychasthenia. In the psychopathological profile obtained, it is of special relevance the predominance of the psychotic tendency against the neurotic one. As a group, the profile obtained is similar to the one described in the diagnostic criteria of DSM IV as a Schizotypic Personality Disorder.


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