Early intervention and psychosocial treatment of first schizophrenic epi­sode in edolescence



How to Cite

Palanca, J. (2000). Early intervention and psychosocial treatment of first schizophrenic epi­sode in edolescence. Revista De Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil, (3), 166–176. Retrieved from https://aepnya.eu/index.php/revistaaepnya/article/view/495



Review article


  • J. Palanca


Schizophrenia, Early intervention, First episode: Adolescence


Adolescence is, because of organic and psychologi­cal reasons, a peri ad of increased vulnerability to suffer a psychotic episode. Frontier between pathology and health is unclear and differential diagnosis is afien complicated Early interventian has recently heen nuts­tanded as one of the main factors associated with better outcome. Because of poor prognosis of adolescence schizophrenia and the better results obtained with inter­ventions carried out two years after the first episode, a greatest effort mus/ be done at this period. Being pha­macotherapy the principal axis of treatment, the unfi­nished psychological development at this age and the increased dependency of adolescent from fami/y and social environmenl, are good reasons to think that inter­ventions at these levels have great relevance. Personal identity, goals adjustment, vocational orientation and group integration are more important problems in ado­lescent than in adult schizophrenia. Treatment should necessary be mu/tidisciplinar and individual/y adjusted. Case management, psychoeducation, stress management far caregivers, cognitive-conductual therapy and group therapy, plus a good therapeutic al/iance with the patient and the family are recently being investigated as useful therapeutic interventions in jirts schizophrenic episode in adolescent. 


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Author Biography

J. Palanca

Centro de Salud Mental de Navalcarnero. Madrid


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