Eating disorders at the infantile-ju­ venile, mental health centre of Lle i­ da



How to Cite

Pedra, A. ., Tello, C. ., Montardit, l. ., & Domínguez, R. . (2000). Eating disorders at the infantile-ju­ venile, mental health centre of Lle i­ da . Revista De Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil, (3), 148–152. Retrieved from



Orginial article


  • A. Pedra
  • C. Tello
  • l. Montardit
  • R. Domínguez


Annrexia, Bulimia, Childhood, Adolescence, Epidemio­logy


Study about alimentary behaviour in young people aged less than 13, that have been attended in a program launched due to the increasing number of young with this disorder. This program is a/so applied to adoles­cents between the ages of 13 and 18 years with eating disorders.
The results prove that boys start befare than girls in these disorders, and there is as well a predominance of lack of dietetic rules and overweight; whereas in girls at this age an unba/anced nutrition is proved Regarding the l 3-18 group, the onset of eating disorder in boys is detected For the girls it turns up a concern about weight and size, unba/anced diets and reality dis­torsion problems.
More longitudinal studies should be carried out in ar­der to valorize wether boys and girls that start with ea­ting disorders al early age, will evo/ve towards an ano­rexia or a bulimia.


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Author Biographies

A. Pedra


C. Tello


l. Montardit

Diplomada enfermería

R. Domínguez

Diplomada enfermería


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