Clinical psychopharmacology of childhood and adolescence



How to Cite

Clinical psychopharmacology of childhood and adolescence. (1999). Revista De Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil, (1), 69. Retrieved from



Book Commentary


Clinical psychopharmacology, childhood


Over the last few years there has been a considerable increase in the number of publications of books related to child psychiatry in our country, which indicates the particular moment of development of the specialty and the interest of child psychiatrists in documenting this stage historical. The written word is the most efficient way of transmitting knowledge to current and future generations, and it is the enduring witness of the historical trajectory of a discipline. Doctors J. Toro, J. Castro, M. García and L. Lázaro from the Section of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry of the Hospital Clínico de Barcelona, ??offer us their book "Clinical psychopharmacology of childhood and adolescence", published by the editorial Masson and that appeared in bookstores coinciding with the VIII Congress of the Spanish Society of Infamo-Juvenile Psychiatry, held in Barcelona last June. There could not be a more opportune date or place, since the organization of the congress was under the responsibility of Dr. Toro, and one of the presentations dealt with psychopharmacology, a critical issue for child psychiatry today.


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