Child and adolescent psychiatry: looking far its own identity



How to Cite

Mardomingo, M. J. (1999). Child and adolescent psychiatry: looking far its own identity. Revista De Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil, (1), 1–4. Retrieved from



Short comment


  • Mª J. Mardomingo Hospital General Universitario Gregario Marañón


child psychiatry, adolescent, identity


It seems beyond any doubt that the Psychiatry of the child and adolescent is, in this stage end of the century, at a crucial moment in its journey historical. Plunged in the absence of recognition institutional and without a clear concept of herself in front of society, lacks the necessary impetus to define itself, in a definitive way, as an authentic medical specialty that has the necessary resources to develop scientific, humanitarian work and social that corresponds to him. The Psychiatry of child and adolescent is found, and to my understanding urgently, faced with the challenge of delving into what what it is and what it should be, if you don't want to lose, As in so many previous occasions, the rhythm of the history. What happens in our country in this regard maybe it is not very different from what happens in other sites, but let's focus this reflection on what is closer to us and than, without a doubt, also we are responsible.


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