The initial validation study of the gallego version of the Strengths and Dificulties Questionnaire (SDQ)



How to Cite

García, P., Mazaira, J. A. ., & Goodman, R. . (2000). The initial validation study of the gallego version of the Strengths and Dificulties Questionnaire (SDQ) . Revista De Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil, (2), 95–100. Retrieved from



Orginial article


  • P. García
  • J. A. Mazaira
  • R. Goodman


Questionnaire, Screening, Psychopathology, Childhood, Adolescence


Objetives: The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire is a brief screening questionnaire about child psychopa­thology. The present study is thefirst validation study of any of the Spanish translations of the SDQ, namely the Gallego version. Method: Gallego versions of the ques­tionnaire were administered to the parents and teachers of 180 outpatients aged between 4 and 16 years. Of these, 132 were attending Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Clinics, while 48 were seen by paediatricians. Results: The questionnaire discriminated well between the psychiatric and the paediatric patients. In the psychiatric sample, there was a high leve! of agreement between the clinical diagnosis and the diagnosis predicted by the questionnai­re. Conclusions: Thesefindings demonstrate that transla­ted SDf2s are of satisfactory validity when used in Spain. The SDQ could, potentially, hefp paediatricians, teachers and social workers to identify those children who would benefit from attending specialized services.


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Author Biographies

P. García

Psiquiatra Unidad de Salud Mental lnfanto-Juvenil Hospital San José - Complejo Hospitalario Xeral-Calde. C/Santiago s/n. Lugo

J. A. Mazaira

Psiquiatra Unidad de Salud Mental lnfanto-Juvenil Complejo Hospitalario Universiatario Santiago de Compostela

R. Goodman

Protessor of Brain and Behavioural Medicine. Department Of Child And Adolescent Psychiatry. lnstitute of Psychiatry, De Crcspigny Park, London, U.K. 


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