Disocial disorder in childhood and its continuity as antisocial personality dosorder



How to Cite

San Sebastián, J. (1998). Disocial disorder in childhood and its continuity as antisocial personality dosorder. Revista De Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil, (3), 187–193. Retrieved from https://aepnya.eu/index.php/revistaaepnya/article/view/456



Review article


  • J. San Sebastián Hospital Universitario Ramón y Caja


Dysocial disorder, Behaviour disorder, Antisocial disorder of the personality, Personality, Childhood, Adolescence


A bibliographic review takes place about the dysocial disorder in childhood and adolescence, its relationships and evolution toward the antisocial disorder of the adult personality and his etiopathogenia. The relevance and incorrect prediction of this disorder in emphasized and we ponder on its inadequate nosological limitations in the corrent DSM and CIE-10 manuals, since its continued evolution toward ADP alows us to think that antisocial personality is created as such much earlier than eighteen years of age. We conclude that there is a need far prospective longitudinal studies about the subject, in spite of its metodological difficulties, given the social and sanitary important of the subject.


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