Treatment of elective mutism in children with fluoxetine



How to Cite

Moreno, J., & Pedreira, J. L. (1998). Treatment of elective mutism in children with fluoxetine. Revista De Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil, (3), 180–186. Retrieved from



Orginial article


  • J. Moreno Servicios de Salud Mental del Principado de Asturias
  • J. L. Pedreira Servicios de Salud Mental del Principado de Asturias


Elective rnuLisrn, children, integrated treatmeill, fluoxetine


The elective Mutism (EM) in children is a heterogeneous symptom and present severa! models of mutism and co-morbidity. Methods: Diagnosis criteria: ICD-l0'h • Patients: 9 patients (4 boys and 5 girls). Treatment: Fluoxetine (0.7 mg/kg/ day) + Psychotherapy. Results: The improvement was important in all cases. Time for improvement: mean of 4 month 10 days (± 21 days). The improvement patterns are described. Conclusions: Fluoxetine may be beneficia! and safe in the treatment of children with EM. The Integrated Treatments, Psychotherapy and Fluoxetine, will be more clínical improvement and decreasing the period of treatment that only Psychotherapy or Psychopharmacology each one.


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