Motherhood in Adolescent Ages. Consequences



How to Cite

Alonso, R. ., & Moreno, R. . (2000). Motherhood in Adolescent Ages. Consequences. Revista De Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil, (1), 6–11. Retrieved from



Orginial article


  • R. Alonso
  • R. Moreno


Adolescent mother 's children, Childhood psycho­pathology, Psychosocial


The objetive of this study is to analyse in a half and long term consequences about the fact of motherhood in adolescent ages. We raise three questions:
- Women who were mothers in their adolescence, do they consult about mental health more than other mot­hers for their children? - Who is child motive of the consult, the jirst-born ar successive children? Which is the motive of this consult? Results were these women consult more frequently far subjets related with mental health of their children; the motive of consu/t has relation with mental deficient andlor behavior dysfunction, and there is a high per­centage far which children 's pathology is not detected this would mean the mother has personal difficulties to carry out her role. 


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Author Biographies

R. Alonso

Psiquiatra Infantil

R. Moreno

MIR Psiquiatría


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