Psychiatric diagnosis of suicide attempts by adolescents and young adults



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Fernández Rivas, A., González Torres, M. A., & Lasa Zulueta, A. (1998). Psychiatric diagnosis of suicide attempts by adolescents and young adults. Revista De Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil, (1), 31–40. Retrieved from



Orginial article


  • A. Fernández Rivas Centro de Salud Mental de Portugalete
  • M. A. González Torres Hospital de Basurto
  • A. Lasa Zulueta Centro de Salud Mental Infamo-Juvenil Uribe-Costa


Suicide attempt, Diagnostic, Adolescent, Young adult


Introduction: suicide attempts in adolescents and young adults represent a fairly frequent and severe pathology. Its study and, more specifically, psychiatric diagnoses these patients show, are proposed by the authors as an area of interest. Methodology: a group of 72 adolescents and young adults (age: 15-24) who had recently attempted suicide is compared to another group of 72 control subjects matched by age, sex and marital status in a case-control design. Following a psychiatric interview a DSM-III-R diagnosis with five axis is reached. Results: the more relevant data concern axis I diagnosis. Ajfective Disorders (always with depressed mood) and Adaptive Disorders (in most cases with depressed mood) are the more frequent diagnoses in suicide attempers ' group. Leve! of pathology in axis I is confirmed through axis V assessment. Current GAP shows moderate and severe symptoms in work, social and psychological activities of individuals who have performed a suicide attempt. Conclusions: the esential role of depressed mood in suicide attempts by adolescents and young adults is stressed. Authors point out the possibility of a underdiagnosis of depression in these subjects following traditional diagnostic criteria (such as DSM-III-R) which do not consider dijferent ways of expression for the depressive pathology in adolescents and young adults, more "atypical" than in adults.


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