Medicine students' attitudes in favour or against the prevention of suicide



How to Cite

Pérez Barrero, S., Vargas Oliva, J. M., & Rodisnel Rodríguez, L. (1998). Medicine students’ attitudes in favour or against the prevention of suicide. Revista De Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil, (1), 25–30. Retrieved from



Orginial article


  • S. Pérez Barrero Sociedad Cubana de Psiquiatría
  • J. M. Vargas Oliva Escuela Filial de Ciencias Medicas
  • L. Rodisnel Rodríguez Escuela Filial de Ciencias Medicas


Suicide/population, Attitudes, Opinions/Medicine students


Goal: The knowledge of the attitudes, through their opinions, of the first-to-third year students of Medicine towards those people attempting suicide. Method: A descriptive and transversal study it is made by using a question paper in a nonprobabilistical sample of 15 7 students from the Affiliated University of Medicine of Bayamo. Word Perferct and Harvard Graphic were used as a computer programs to obtain the results, that are shown in percentage. Results: It was found that far al! the first threeyears students, most of them thought that those attempting suicide wanted to avoy facing up to an unpleasant situation. In a second place, students uf first-year said that those people is asking far help through this act; students of second-year thought that those people is manipulating; and third-year students believed that those people wanted to show how big their problems are. Conclusion: Suicida! behaviour is insufficiently known by the students of the survey, despite suicide is one of the first ten dead causes of the country and the province. lt is necessary to elaborate a program that contributes to the modijication of the hindered attitudes in the prevention of suicide.


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