Adolescence at limit



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Romero Escobar, H. (2006). Adolescence at limit. Revista De Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil, 23(1, 3 y 4), 14–19. Retrieved from



Review article


  • H. Romero Escobar Unidad de Salud Mental Infantil de Alicante (Departamento 19). C.S. San Vicente II


Adolescence, Adolescent turmoil, Borderline personality disorder


The adolescence is a special period in the context of the vital cycle and it is only understandable in connexion with the previous infancy and the adulthood as a future project. The deep physical, intellectual and affective changes that occur during the adolescence have the mission to build the identity. The adolescent turmoil is not always pathological but sometimes it can be the prodrom of borderline personality disorder. It is a comparative revision of the characteristics of the adolescence, the identity disorder and the borderline personality disorder as well as a reflexion about the reasons of the great increase of the borderline states.


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