PTSD and Anxiety in children and adolescents 2 years after the 2016 earthquake in schools and high schools of Portoviejo, Ecuador



How to Cite

Acosta Hernández, R., Sanango Jara, M., Carrión Suárez, F., & Pereira Olmos, H. (2019). PTSD and Anxiety in children and adolescents 2 years after the 2016 earthquake in schools and high schools of Portoviejo, Ecuador. Revista De Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil, 36(4), 6–13.



Orginial article


  • R. Acosta Hernández Pontificia Universidad Católicadel Ecuador
  • M. Sanango Jara Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador
  • F. Carrión Suárez Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador
  • H. Pereira Olmos Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador



Spence Anxiety Scale, Childhood Scale of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms, Ecuador 2016 earthquake, post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety disorder


Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is one of the consequences of exposure to natural disasters more frequent and disabling in children, who represent the most vulnerable population to develop it, so the pediatrician must be prepared to identify the features and characteristics of this disorders and being able to make an opportune diagnosis. Objective: to determine the presence of PTSD and anxiety in children and adolescents who witnessed the earthquake of April 2016 in the Province of Manabí, in the educational units Antonio Meléndez, María de la Merced and Francisco Pacheco. Methodology: observational, cross-sectional, retrospective, descriptive, analytical study, with 271 children aged 9-14 years. Surveys: sociodemographic and economic factors, Childhood Scale of Post-Traumatic Stress Symptoms (CPSS), the Spence Anxiety Scale; data were processed with SPSS V22. The OR and Chi square statistics, 95% CI and p less than 0.05. Results: PTSD was presented in 18.1% and the Anxiety Disorder in 23.1%, higher in the female sex for both disorders, the anxiety disorder presented a significant difference in the students with respect to the adolescents, the probability of presenting Comorbidity between both disorders was high. Conclusions: PTSD is present in children in the area two years after the earthquake of 2016, females and younger children are at greater risk.


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Author Biographies

R. Acosta Hernández, Pontificia Universidad Católicadel Ecuador

Especialista en Pediatría

M. Sanango Jara, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador

Especialista en Pediatría

F. Carrión Suárez, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador

Especialista en Psiquiatría

H. Pereira Olmos, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador

Máster en Salud Pública


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