Psychopathological implications in a case of primary ciliary discinesia (Kartagener Syndrome)



How to Cite

Rodrigo Gutiérrez, A. C. ., González Aduna, O. V., & Brieba Rodrigo, M. F. (2019). Psychopathological implications in a case of primary ciliary discinesia (Kartagener Syndrome). Revista De Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil, 36(1), 41–47.



Case reports


  • A C Rodrigo Gutiérrez Unidad de Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil, Hospital Virgen de la Luz
  • O V González Aduna Unidad de Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil, Hospital Virgen de la Luz
  • M F Brieba Rodrigo Unidad de Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil, Hospital Virgen de la Luz



Primary ciliary dyskinesia, mental health, lifestyle, stigmatization


Primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD, Kartagener syndrome) produces various physical limiting symptoms. Recurrent respiratory infections have a significant impact on health and lifestyle. Since patients require frequent clinical evaluation and invasive treatments, such as inhaled therapies with bronchodilators, antibiotics and daily chest physiotherapy, PCD is considered a highly stressful disease for affected patients and their relatives. In the reviews conducted, we found few studies on the cognitive, behavioral and psychological aspects of children and adolescents with PCD, as well as on the degree of parental stress and the impact of the disease on the interaction between parents and children. We think that PCD, like other rare diseases, can affect the quality of family functioning and the psychological balance of children. In this case, we evaluate the psychopathology, cognitive and behavioral characteristics and stress of the family in a child with PCD.


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