Psychological profiles of adolescents with suicidal behavior



How to Cite

Villar-Cabeza, F., Castellano-Tejedor, C., Sánchez- Fernández, B., Verge Muñoz, M., & Blasco-Blasco, T. (2018). Psychological profiles of adolescents with suicidal behavior. Revista De Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil, 34(1), 7–18.



Orginial article


  • F. Villar-Cabeza Hospital Sant Joan de Déu
  • C. Castellano-Tejedor Hospital Universitari Vall d’Hebron
  • B. Sánchez- Fernández Hospital Sant Joan de Déu
  • M. Verge Muñoz Hospital Sant Joan de Déu
  • T. Blasco-Blasco Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona



suicide, adolescence, descriptive study, profiles


The need to prevent avoidable deaths and to contain the emotional impact of suicidal behavior requires studies to better understand the phenomenon and to increase the effectiveness of prevention and intervention strategies. Suicidal behavior has a very heterogeneus characterization, which is influenced by cultural, evolutionary, and gender features, and its classification could facilitate a better approach to this problem. This study was intended to describe the different prototypical psychological profiles of the adolescent with suicidal behavior, based on an existing classification proposal that is extended with other relevant clinical variables. A cross-sectional and descriptive design was employed in a sample of patients between 8-17 years old attended in a pediatric emergency unit between November 2013 and December 2014. Data was collected by means of semistructured interviews. The classification showed that adolescents in group I, the most prevalent (60%), were characterized by a higher prevalence of maladaptive personality traits, behavioral disorders, more mental health hospital admissions, self-harm behaviors, and half of them had a history of previous suicidal behavior. Those in group II (30%) had a higher prevalence of mood disorders. Group III (10%) showed a high percentage of autolysis attempts (>75%) when compared to other type of suicidal behavior, identifying relational conflicts as the most frequent triggers. To obtain these prototypic profiles and their corresponding clinical and psychopathological characteristics in the study sample suggests different treatments tailored to each specific profile.


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Author Biographies

F. Villar-Cabeza, Hospital Sant Joan de Déu

Unidad de Conducta Suicida. Servicio de Psiquiatría y Psicología. Hospital Sant Joan de Déu. Barcelona. Email:

C. Castellano-Tejedor, Hospital Universitari Vall d’Hebron

Departamento de Psiquiatría. Hospital Universitari Vall d’Hebron. Barcelona (España). CIBERSAM.

B. Sánchez- Fernández, Hospital Sant Joan de Déu

Unidad de Conducta Suicida. Servicio de Psiquiatría y Psicología. Hospital Sant Joan de Déu. Barcelona (España).

M. Verge Muñoz, Hospital Sant Joan de Déu

Unidad de Conducta Suicida. Servicio de Psiquiatría y Psicología. Hospital Sant Joan de Déu. Barcelona (España).

T. Blasco-Blasco, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona

Departamento de Psicología Básica. Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Bellaterra (España)


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