Relationship between personality and the presence of overweight-obesity in children and adolescents



How to Cite

Sendra Gutiérrez, J., Pelaz Antolín, A., Méndez Gallego, S., Bernabé de Frutos, C., & Rodríguez-Moldes Vázquez, B. (2014). Relationship between personality and the presence of overweight-obesity in children and adolescents. Revista De Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil, 31(4), 16–28. Retrieved from



Orginial article


  • JM Sendra Gutiérrez Complejo Asistencial de Segovia
  • A Pelaz Antolín Hospital Clínico San Carlos
  • S Méndez Gallego Centro de Salud Alamín
  • C Bernabé de Frutos Centro de Salud Alamín
  • B Rodríguez-Moldes Vázquez Centro de Salud Alamín


Pediatric obesity, Personality assessment, Temperament, Character, Psychopathology


Obesity is a major public health problem in the world of epidemic proportions. There is a relationship between overweight-obesity in the pediatric population and the presence of psychopathology where personality is involved. This descriptive study attempts to characterize and find relationships between dimensions and psychopathological personality profiles and overweightobesity in children 9-14 years treated in Pediatrics. Junior Temperament and Character Inventory of Cloninger (JTCI), instrument based on the original inventory of Cloninger, is used to study personality along with sociodemographic, clinical, anthropometric and academic information collection. Descriptive statistics and multivariate logistic regression analysis techniques are used. The dimensions reward dependence, fantasy and harm avoidance have the most extreme values, showing no psychopathological profiles 93% of the sample. Psychopathological profile associated with Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and Bipolar disorder (ADHD/BP) is the most common. ADHD/BP profile has a Body Mass Index (BMI) significantly higher than the rest. Being male and repeat course increases the risk of overweight-obesity, while increasing age and persistence dimension behave as protective factors in the multivariate analysis. A better understanding of the relationship between personality and overweight-obesity in children and adolescents to identify more effective therapies is needed.


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Author Biographies

JM Sendra Gutiérrez, Complejo Asistencial de Segovia

MIR de Psiquiatría. Complejo Asistencial de Segovia

A Pelaz Antolín, Hospital Clínico San Carlos

Psiquiatra Infantil. Hospital Clínico San Carlos. Madrid.

Antonio Pelaz Antolín. Psiquiatría Infantil.
C/ Modesto Lafuente 21. 28003 Madrid

S Méndez Gallego, Centro de Salud Alamín

Pediatra. Centro de Salud Alamín. Guadalajara

C Bernabé de Frutos, Centro de Salud Alamín

Pediatra. Centro de Salud Alamín. Guadalajara.

B Rodríguez-Moldes Vázquez, Centro de Salud Alamín

Pediatra. Centro de Salud Alamín. Guadalajara


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