The versions of the application of the law: two clinical cases



How to Cite

González Bardanca, S., Díaz Rodríguez, E., & Filgueira Bouza, M. (2007). The versions of the application of the law: two clinical cases. Revista De Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil, 24(2, 3 y 4), 240–243. Retrieved from



Case reports


  • S González Bardanca CHU Juan Canalejo. A Coruña
  • E Díaz Rodríguez CHU Juan Canalejo. A Coruña
  • M Filgueira Bouza CHU Juan Canalejo. A Coruña


Family minors´ caregiver


When the Regional Govermment´s Family Ministry holds a minor´s custody and/or safekeeping, and it confers them, pursuant to the enforcement of the lay, to the closest relative who is able and wishes to be incharge, giving preference to the family over other people, once its suitablility has been asessed. In the daily clinical practice of a Child Mental Health Center this situation is increasingly more frequent. Starting from two case reports, we analyze “ the versions of the enforcement of the law” as well as the disappearance or presence of the symptoms these children show when searching consultation deppending on wether the family minors´ caregivers reproduce or nt the dynamic patterns of the family of origin. The “ best thing”, according to law may sometimes result in practice the "enemy of the good thing". 


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Author Biographies

S González Bardanca, CHU Juan Canalejo. A Coruña

Psiquiatra. Médico Adjunto

M Filgueira Bouza, CHU Juan Canalejo. A Coruña

Psicólogo Clínico Adjunto


1. Artículos 173 y 173bis. Sección Primera: de la guarda y acogimiento de Menores Capitulo V: de la adopción y otras formas de protección de menores. Título VII:De las relaciones paterno-filiares. Libro I. Código Civil.