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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect format.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which appear in the Submissions section.
  • The authors comply with what is defined in the Code of Ethics section of the journal publication.
  • The authors undertake to send by this way, all the documentation and files defined in the guide for authors (affiliation sheet, letter to the editor or cover letter).
  • Decimal numbers in the text, tables and figures are marked with commas and not points.

Author Guidelines

Revista de Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil (abbreviated: Rev Psiquiatr Infanto-Juv), published quarterly, is the official publication of the Spanish Association of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AEPNYA), and aims to contribute, through its publication, in improving the quality of clinical care, research, teaching and management of all aspects (theoretical and practical) related to child and adolescent psychiatry. Therefore, it is interested in the publication of manuscripts related to the study of these contents from different points of view: genetic, epidemiological, clinical, psychotherapeutic, pharmacological, health care, etc., as well as from a social, cultural and economic perspective.

All manuscripts will be preliminarily reviewed through the Crossref Similarity Check system. Revista de Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil has no article processing charges (APC). The journal is fully sponsored, since its creation, by the Spanish Association of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AEPNYA).

Revista de Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil will consider for publication manuscripts submitted to the following Sections: Original Articles, Review Articles, Case reports, Brief Comments, and Letters to the Editor.

Revista de Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil adheres to the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals (5th edition, International Committee of Medical Journal Editors, the Vancouver Reccomendations (1997) and COPE guidelines on publication ethics. 

Manuscripts for publication should be sent through the Journal's web page,, through the "Information for authors" section. Editors will acknowledge receipt of the originals submitted and will inform in due time about their acceptance and the date of possible publication.

These publication Guidelines cover the general aspects most commonly used in the writing of scientific papers. In those cases where the guidelines prove insufficient to solve a specific issue, the following website should be consulted:;

Manuscripts should be submitted double-spaced and with sufficient margins, written in a standard word processor (preferably Microsoft Word). Document pages should be numbered. At least 3 independent documents should be sent: 1) Cover Letter, 2) Title Page and 3) Main manuscript. All documents should be sent independently to facilitate the peer review process. If there are images, tables or figures, each one should be sent with a separate and numbered file.

The cover letter should be addressed to the journal's Editor-in-Chief to briefly present the article and the interest of its publication in the journal.  

Title Page should include the following information in this order:

  1. Original title (in English and Spanish).
  2. Author(s) name(s) and surname(s) initials.
  3. Location of work. City. Country
  4. Address of the first author and of the corresponding author (including an institutional e-mail address).
  5. ORCID number of all authors (The basic information of the authors should be accessible on the page).
  6. Disclosures. All financial relationships related to the subject of their paper must be disclosed.
  7. If a part or the preliminary results of the work have been previously presented in scientific meetings, congresses or symposia, the name, city and date of the event should be indicated, and a manuscript with the work presented should be attached, to certify that the original contains different data or extended results from those of the scientific communication.
  8. Each author’s contribution to the manuscript should be detailed.

The manuscript should be arranged including the Title page, Abstract, Keywords and the complete text of the article with its different sections.

The abstract should be in Spanish and English, presented on a separate page and no longer than 250 words. It should be structured under similar headings of the main manuscript (e.g., in the case of original articles: Introduction, Objectives, Material, Methods, Results and Conclusions). For Case Reports and Brief Comments sections, an abstract of approximately 150 words will be included without the need for structured information.

A maximum of five keywords according to the standards of the most frequently used medical indexes (i.e. Medical Subject Headings in Index Medicus) should be included for the correct coding of the manuscripts.

Only a minimum number of abbreviations should be used, accepting  internationally recognized terms. Abbreviations should be defined at the time of their first appearance in the text. In case of three or more abbreviations, listing them in a table in a separate page is recommended.

Drugs should be referred to by their generic name. The use of Neuroscience-based Nomenclature (NbN-2) is recommended.

The equipment used to perform laboratory and other techniques should be identified by the brand name and address of their manufacturers.

Evaluation tools should be identified by their original name, the Spanish translation if any, their author/s, year, and indications on how to obtain them (publisher, source web site, etc.) and the corresponding reference should be included.

Manuscripts can be submitted for any of the of the Journal’s Sections: Original Articles, Review Articles, Case Reports, Brief Comments, Letters to the Editor and Bibliographic Notes. However, the Editorial Committee will make the final decision regarding the Section of correspondence of each manuscript.

All accepted manuscripts become the property of Revista de Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil, and may not be published or posted online elsewhere, in part or in whole, without permission.  All manuscripts must be previously unpublished, and those papers published in another journal will not be accepted. Authors authorize the publication of manuscripts under Creative Commons CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license. If there is commercial interest in any article, the rights will be assigned to the Revista de Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil and the AEPNyA.

All articles must contain a statement from all authors proving that:

  • The manuscript is submitted exclusively to the Revista de Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil and has not been submitted simultaneously to any other journal (nor submitted for consideration), and has not been previously published in whole or in part. This last restriction does not apply to those papers derived from presentations at congresses or other scientific meetings, nor to originals that are an extension of the preliminary results of work previously presented at meetings, congresses or symposia. In such a case the name, city and date must be indicated, and the previously submitted presentations must be sent together with the manuscript to certify that the original article contains different data or extended results from those of the communication.
  • The authors are responsible for the research.
  • The authors have participated in the conception, design, analysis and interpretation of the data, drafting and revision, as well as approving the final final version of the manuscript that is to be published.

If the manuscript is accepted for publication, the authors will transfer copyright to the Revista de Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil, which will retain permanent ownership of the manuscript.

Authors must specify if there is any conflict of interest in relation to their manuscript. Especially, in studies with commercial products, authors should declare if they have (or not) any agreement with the companies whose products appear in the submitted manuscript or if they have received (or not) financial support of any kind from them. If the work has been funded, the origin and quantities of such funding should be included.

Manuscript acceptance is subject to a peer review process. In order to favor impartiality it is required that the authors' names and affiliation are submitted separated from the rest of the manuscript, as previously mentioned. The manuscript will be initially reviewed by the Editorial Committee, and if considered suitable for the journal’s scope and submission criteria, will be sent to at least two external reviewers considered experts in the field. The Editorial Committee, either directly or after considering the opinion of the reviewers, reserves the right to reject papers it considers inappropriate, as well as to propose any modifications it deems necessary. Prior to publication in print or electronic version of the article, the corresponding author will receive by e-mail the proofs of the article for corrections, which must be returned within 7 days of receipt. If no corrections are received from the authors within this period (or notification of the need to extend it for justified reasons), it will be understood that the proofs are approved as definitive.

The publisher will send a digital facsimile copy of each paper in PDF format to each author who has provided his or her e-mail address.



  1. Original Articles

Original research papers on any of the areas of interest of the Journal will be considered as such. As a general rule, each section of the manuscript should begin on a new page and be structured as follows:

  1. Title page, as detailed above, in a separate file.
  2. In the manuscript file:
    • Title, abstract and Keywords (in Spanish and English), as detailed above.
    • Introduction, reviewing the state of the art and including the work’s objectives and/or hypotheses.
    • Material and Methods, with a description of the materials used and the techniques and/or research methods followed.
    • Results, with a concise description of the data obtained.
    • Conflicts of interest of the authors in relation to the article or a statement that there are no conflicts of interest.
    • Acknowledgements, if any.

In the case of clinical trials, the Revista de Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil adheres to the conditions defined by the Declaration of Helsinki and its subsequent amendments ( ), also developed in the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals ( For publication of clinical trials, these should be registered in a public registry, and the registration information (NCT or Eudra-CT registration number) should be included in the Methods section of the manuscript.  If registration did not take place before the start of the trial, a copy of the protocol approval from the health authorities of the countries in which the experimental research is being conducted should be submitted.

  1. Review Articles

These include papers resulting of a research where the results of published or unpublished research on an area of interest of the Journal are analyzed, systematized and integrated, in order to report on its progress and actual development. These will be characterized by a careful bibliographic review, and will preferably be systematic reviews.

As a general rule, each section of the manuscript should begin on a new page, and the manuscript should be structured as follows:

  1. Title page, as detailed above, in a separate file.
  2. In the manuscript file:
    • Title, abstract and Keywords (in Spanish and English), as detailed above.
    • Introduction, explaining the purpose of the work.
    • Justification and/or Objectives of the Review.
    • Methods of the search and bibliographic review.
    • Result (the review itself)
    • Conflicts of interest of the authors in relation to the article or a statement that there are no conflicts of interest.
    • Acknowledgements, if any.
  1. Case Reports

Originals with a limited sample size will be considered as such, or those that describe clinical cases that represent an important contribution to the knowledge of the disease, or that briefly review specific aspects of interest for the contents of the Journal. Works published as Case Reports will have a maximum length of 10 pages, and may contain one or two figures and/or tables and up to 10 bibliographic citations. They will be structured under the following sequence:

  1. Title Page, as detailed above in a separate file.
  2. In the manuscript document:
    1. Title, Summary and Keywords (in Spanish and English), as detailed above.
    2. Introduction, to theoretically frame the case/cases to be described
    3. Description of the clinical case, or development of the comment.
    4. Discussion, including a bibliographic review of previously published related cases.
    5. Conclusions.
    6. Acknowledgments.
    7. Conflicts of interest and ethical compliance.
    8. References.
  3. Informed consent, following the attached model.


  1. Letters to the Editor

This section will accept short communications and preliminary communications that, due to their characteristics, can be summarized in a brief text, as well as those comments and scientific criticisms in relation to papers published in the Journal. In this case, letters will be sent simultaneously and prior to their publication, to the authors, for possible response (in order to exercise their right to reply). Letters should not exceed 750 words, the number of bibliographic citations should not exceed 10, and, if necessary, a figure or a table will be admitted.

  1. Bibliographic Notes

This section will include comments on works relevant to the areas of interest of the Journal. Bibliographical notes will be made at the invitation of the Editorial Committee to experts in the field of interest.

  1. Special Sections

This section will publish works of particular interest for the Journal that, due to their characteristics, do not fit in the above mentioned sections. In general, these will be sections of a fixed and periodic nature, commissioned by the Editorial Committee or at the proposal of authors who are members of the AEPNYA, always with the author's commitment to maintain its periodicity or with a previous design by the author indicating the total number of issues of the Journal that will contain the section.

  1. Agenda

This section may contain notes on matters of general interest, congresses, courses and other activities considered important for the Journal's readers.

  1. Monographic Issues

AEPNYA members or the Editorial Committee may propose the preparation of monographic issues, studying their characteristics together with the authors. Contributions to monographic issues will be submitted to peer review. Monographic issues may be considered extra or supplementary issues to the regular quarterly issues.

  1. Clinical Perspective

 This section is intended to emphasize practical issues within Child and Adolescent Psychiatry from a clinical point of view. It could contain, for example, commentaries about problems of interest in clinical practice, controversies, comments to previous articles or any topic related to the practice of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry specialty, including the opinion of the authors. Manuscripts submitted to this section should be brief, not exceeding 1.000 words and with a maximum of 10 references.



Tables and figures

Tables should be numbered consecutively according to their order of appearance in the text using Arabic numbers, and should contain a title describing their contents, so that they are understandable in isolation from the text of the manuscript. All those acronyms used should also be explained at the foot of the table. Tables should be cited in the text where appropriate (for example: 'See Table 1').

Graphs and figures should be presented in appropriate electronic format (preferably jpg or tiff). Should be numbered separately from the tables, also using Arabic numerals, and should be properly cited in the text (for example: 'See Figure 1'). Graphs and figures should have a title describing their content and those acronyms used should also be explained at the foot of the table.

Decimal numbers in the text, tables and figures should be marked with commas in Spanish texts and with dots in the English abstracts.


Bibliographical references should be presented at the end of the manuscript, numbered in order of appearance in the text. Arabic numerals will be used for citations in the text (in the form of numbers in parentheses and of the same size as the rest of the text) to indicate that the content of the text is related to the reference cited. It is recommended to include in the Bibliography the citation of Spanish articles that the author(s) consider relevant, and in particular those from the Revista de Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil.

Citations should follow the following general standards (Vancouver standards:

  1. Standard Article: Surname(s) and initial(s) of the author(s)* (without punctuation and separated by a comma). Full title of the article in the original language. International abbreviation** of the journal followed by the year of publication, volume (number***), initial and final page of the article. (DOI)

(Dunn JD, Reid GE, Bruening ML. Techniques for phosphopeptide enrichment prior to analysis by mass spectrometry. Mass Spectr Rev 2010; 29: 29-54.

*All authors should be listed when there are six or less; when authors are seven or more, the first six should be cited and the words ''et al.'' should be added afterwards. A similar style should be used for books and book chapter citations. Include the DOI link whenever possible at the end of the reference as follows:

**International abbreviations for journals can be found in the "List of Journals Indexed in Index Medicus", (

*** The issue number is optional if the journal has a volume number. 

  1. Book: Author(s) or publisher(s). Title of the book. Edition. Place of publication: Publisher; Year (Hassani S. Mathematical physics. A modern introduction to its foundations. New York: Springer-Verlag; 1999)
  2. Book chapter: Author(s) of the chapter. Title of the chapter. In: Director/s or Compiler/s or Editor/s of the book. Title of the book. Edition. Place of publication: Publisher; Year. Initial page-final page of the chapter (Tsytovich VN, de Angelis U. The kinetic approach to dusty plasmas. In: Nakamura Y, Yokota T, Sukla PK. Frontiers in dusty plasmas. Amsterdam: Elsevier; 2000. p. 21-28).
  3. Congress communications, Meetings, etc..: Author(s). Full title of the communication. In: complete name of the Congress, Meeting, etc. Venue, dates (Coon ET, Shaw BE, Spiegelman M. Impacts of faulty geometry on fault system behaviors. 2009 Southern California Earthquarke Center Annual Meeting. Palm Springs, California. September 12-16, 2009).
  4. Electronic citations: see Basic format: Author of the page. (Date of publication or revision of the page, if available). Title of the page or place. [Means of communication used]. Publisher of the page, if available. URL [Date accessed] (Land, T. Web extension to American Psychological Association style (WEAPAS) [online]. Rev. 1.4. <> [Accessed 14 March 1997].

When referencing articles in press, these should be described as [in press], and the authors are responsible for its accuracy.


Review process and peer review

All manuscripts considered suitable by the Editorial Committee will be sent for external review. Manuscripts will be sent to at least two reviewers considered as experts by the Revista de Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil. The selection of reviewers for each paper will be based on the content of the manuscript. Depending on the content of the manuscript, specialized technical, statistical and pharmacological evaluations may be requested when the papers refer to clinical trials and drug use. The entire review process will be confidential and anonymous, and manuscripts will be sent to the reviewers without the author’s names.

Based on the reviewers' reports, the Editorial Committee will decide whether or not to publish the work, and may ask the authors to clarify some points or modify different aspects of the manuscript. In this case, the author has a maximum period of one month to submit a new version with the proposed changes. After this period, if a new version has not been received, the article will be considered withdrawn. Likewise, the Editorial Committee may propose the acceptance of the paper in a section other than the one proposed by the authors.

The publisher will review the formal aspects of the paper, as described in these guidelines. A manuscript may be returned to its authors for non-compliance with the submission guidelines.

Once the manuscripts have been accepted, these are subjected to morpholinguistic and stylistic correction. Authors may check the changes made upon receipt of the text proofs, approve such changes or suggest modifications.

Orginial article

Se considerarán tales los trabajos de investigación originales sobre cualquiera de las áreas de interés de la Revista. Como normal general, cada sección del manuscrito debe empezar en una página nueva, y estructurándose este bajo la siguiente estructura:

  1. Página de título, tal y como se detalla más arriba, en archivo independiente.
  2. En el archivo del manuscrito: 
    1. Título, resumen y Palabras clave (en español y en inglés), tal y como se detalla más arriba.
    2. Introducción, en la que se revise el estado de la cuestión y se incluyan los objetivos y/o las hipótesis del trabajo.
    3. Material y Métodos, con la descripción del material utilizado y de la técnica y/o métodos seguidos.
    4. Resultados, con una exposición concisa de los datos obtenidos.
    5. Discusión.
    6. Conclusiones.
    7. Agradecimientos.
    8. Conflictos de interés y cumplimientos éticos
    9. Referencias

En el caso de tratarse de ensayos clínicos, la Revista de Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil se adhiere a las condiciones definidas por la Declaración de Helsinki y sus ulteriores enmiendas ( ), también desarrolladas en los Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals ( Para la publicación de ensayos clínicos deberá remitirse una copia de la aprobación del protocolo de las autoridades sanitarias de los países en los que se desarrolla la investigación experimental.

Review article

Se considerarán tales los trabajos fruto de una investigación donde se analizan, sistematizan e integran los resultados de investigaciones publicadas o no publicadas, sobre un área de interés de la Revista, con el fin de dar cuenta de sus avances y las tendencias de desarrollo. Se caracterizarán por presentar una cuidadosa revisión bibliográfica, y serán preferentemente revisiones sistemáticas.

Como normal general, cada sección del manuscrito debe empezar en una página nueva, y este debe estructurarse bajo la siguiente estructura:

  1. Página del Título, tal y como se detalla más arriba, en archivo independiente.
  2. En el documento del manuscrito: 
    1. Título, Resumen y Palabras claves (en español y en inglés), tal y como se detalla más arriba.
    2. Introducción, en la que se explique el objeto del trabajo.
    3. Justificación y/o Objetivos de la Revisión.
    4. Métodos, de realización de la búsqueda y revisión bibliográfica.
    5. Resultado (la revisión propiamente dicha).
    6. Discusión.
    7. Conclusiones.
    8. Agradecimientos.
    9. Conflictos de interés y cumplimientos éticos.
    10. Referencias.

Case reports

Se considerarán tales los originales con tamaño muestral limitado, o que describan casos clínicos que supongan una aportación importante al conocimiento de la enfermedad, o que revisen brevemente aspectos concretos de interés para los contenidos de la Revista.

Los trabajos publicados como Casos Clínicos tendrán una extensión máxima de 10 folios, pudiendo contener una o dos figuras y/o tablas y hasta 10 citas bibliográficas. Se estructurarán bajo la siguiente secuencia:

  1. Página de Título, tal y cmo de detalla más arriba en archivo independiente.
  2. En el documento del manuscrito:
    1. Título, Resumen y Palabras claves (en español y en inglés), tal y como se detalla más arriba.
    2. Descripción del caso clínico, o desarrollo del comentario.
    3. Discusión, que incluya una revisión bibliográfica de los casos relacionados publicados previamente.
    4. Conclusiones.
    5. Agradecimientos.
    6. Conflictos de interés y cumplimientos éticos.
    7. Referencias.
  3. Consentimiento informado 

Perspectiva clínica

En esta sección se quiere dar énfasis a la visión de profesionales clínicos sobre un tema práctico dentro de la Psiquiatría de la infancia y la adolescencia. Podría tratarse, por ejemplo, sobre problemas, controversias, comentarios a artículos previos o cualquier tema en relación a la práctica de la especialidad, incluyendo la opinión de los autores. Los manuscritos enviados a esta sección deberían ser breves, de hasta 1.000 palabras y un máximo de 10 referencias. 

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Basic information on data protection

Information about the data protection policy of the Spanish Association of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (Asociación Española de Psiquiatría del Niño y del Adolescente - AEPNYA) is shown below.


Responsibility for the data processing

All personal data that may be collected directly from the authors will be treated confidentially and will be incorporated into the corresponding data processing activity owned by the Asociación Española de Psiquiatría del Niño y del Adolescente (AEPNYA).



The purpose of the treatment of the data obtained through the contact form is exclusively the management of the information requested.



Legitimacy for the processing of data used for sending an article and data obtained through the contact form is based on the express consent of the owner of the data.

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.