The specialist and the family of the children with evolutionary risk



How to Cite

Serrano Guerra, E. (1997). The specialist and the family of the children with evolutionary risk. Revista De Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil, (4), 254–261. Retrieved from



Review article


  • E. Serrano Guerra Centro de Salud Memal Infamo-Juvenil de Oviedo


Advice, Autonomy, Handicap, Family, Children, Transference, Non-trasnference


In this study it is made up sorne reflections about the problems created with regard to being in charge of handicapped children or with any kind of evolutionary risk which seriously restricts their autonomy and because of this they can have special necessities. The axis that concentrates these reflections is the relationship between the specialist and the family of these children which in certain circumstances can play an important therapeutical paper. Around this mutual collaboration, the difficulties that emerge when it comes to approaching the different professional tasks are sorted out. lt is especially taken ínto account the anxieties that can invade the listening and the diferent moments of intervention with these families who need to delegate on other people part of their capacity far taking care of their role of authority and of their educational duty. The sign of che diagnosis, che approach to the pronogsis worries and the singularities of the family advice in these situations also create particular problems. In general this reflection about the mutual collaboration between the specialist and the families of children with evolutionary risk is mainly centred on the transferential and nontransferential aspects in the same way as the analysis of sorne peculiar characteristics of this relationship.


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