Family adaptation and childhood psychopathology: extent, validity and significance of the subscale "adaptation'' in the scale FACES III of Olson, Portner and Lavee



How to Cite

Polaino-Lorente, A., & Martínez Cano, P. (1993). Family adaptation and childhood psychopathology: extent, validity and significance of the subscale "adaptation’’ in the scale FACES III of Olson, Portner and Lavee. Revista De Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil, (4), 253–259. Retrieved from



Review article


  • A Polaino-Lorente Universidad Complutense
  • P Martínez Cano Universidad de Navarra


Familiar educative styles, Interaction children- parents, Psychopathology, Non-adaptedpersonality


Studies on the influence of educational styles on the children is quite a new field of investigation. Authors that studied from the beggining of the century children-parents interaction say that those experiences that took place during the childhood when being with his/her parents can be determinant in the development of certain characteristics of the non-adapted type of personality as well as of the onset of other psychopathological disorders.
It seems that bad familiar adaptation (due to a non- adaptative educative style or to a parental psychopatology) can create very important problems in the familiar performance. It is quite probable that if we want to eliminate a childhood psychopathological disorder arised from a bad adaptation it will be necessary to change the disfunctional dynamic of the family.
We would like to remark once more the importance that familiar adaptation has on the education and the development of the children. This is important to the point that when those condictions do not exist most of the times psychological disorders appear. Paradoxically, in the therapeutical practice of many childhoodpsychopathological disorders, it is not evaluated which is the level of adaptation of the children to his/herfamiliy.
This is why, motivated by the importance of this variable on the development of childhood psychopathology and, on the other hand, because of the lack of investigation on this theme in our country, that we are trying to validate this scale of measure of the familiar adaptation with the Spanish population.


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