Child and adolescents sent to a mental health unit (N= 1139). General saniple



How to Cite

Gutiérrez-Casares, J., Busto, F., Rangel, C., Galán, F., Silvestre, M., & Gálvez, I. (1993). Child and adolescents sent to a mental health unit (N= 1139). General saniple. Revista De Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil, (4), 208–215. Retrieved from



Orginial article


  • J.R Gutiérrez-Casares Hospital Infanta Cristina Badajoz
  • F.J Busto Hospital Infanta Cristina Badajoz
  • C Rangel Hospital Infanta Cristina Badajoz
  • F Galán Hospital Infanta Cristina Badajoz
  • M Silvestre Hospital Infanta Cristina Badajoz
  • I Gálvez Hospital Clínico Universitario


Psycbiatric derivations, Epidemiological variables, Diagnostic groups


We study the general epidemiological variables of a clinical sample of 1139 children and adolescents sent to a Mental Health Unit (MHU). Our child- and adolescent sample represents 30,2% of the overall psychiatric patients sent.
This sample has a male and urban predominance; it has a. higher representation of the 7 to 9 old year group; the sample sent from primary health teams to our MHU with a- constant flow during the year and the most frequent diagnostic groups are: elimination disorders, V codes, no diagnosis or condition on axis I7II, disruptive behavior disorders and anxiety disorders.


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