Datos para la escala de depresión infantil (CDS) en una muestra clínica



How to Cite

Amador Campos, J. ., & Forns Santacana, M. . (1990). Datos para la escala de depresión infantil (CDS) en una muestra clínica. Revista De Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil, (3), 190–196. Retrieved from https://aepnya.eu/index.php/revistaaepnya/article/view/789



Orginial article


  • J.A. Amador Campos
  • M. Forns Santacana


Depression, Rating depression sca­les


The CDS was administered to 30 subjects, 18 boys and 12 girls; his age ranged from 8 to 16 yr. with a mean of 12 yr. and 3 month (S.D. = 2 yr. 5 month). All of them showed de­pressives symptomes. The scale was adminis­tered in its individual form and conjointly with others tesl. Only a half of the sample was con­sidered depressive. The depressive subjects shows significantly higher seores in PS, AE and TD scales that the non depressives. The girls scored significantly higher than the boys in RA, PS and TD scales. The paper discus­ses the salience of this results. 


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Author Biographies

J.A. Amador Campos

Universidad de Barcelona.

M. Forns Santacana

Universidad de Barcelona.


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