Children of divorce: a retrospective study



How to Cite

Ruiz Lozano, M. J., & Gómez-Ferrer Gorriz, C. (1995). Children of divorce: a retrospective study. Revista De Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil, (4), 221–228. Retrieved from



Orginial article


  • M. J Ruiz Lozano Hospital General Universitario de Murcia
  • C Gómez-Ferrer Gorriz Hospital General Universitario de Murcia


Divorce, Childhood psychopathology, Parental pathology


Divorce is tbe most stress/u! and dramatic experience that a cbíld can Jace in bis lije, since this means Jor bim tbe loss of one of bis parents, normally tbe Jatber, and is associated to significant emotional, financia! and social cbanges. In the last 10 years divorce as separations increased notably in our country as well. We bave carried out a retrospective study on 54 cbildren Jrom divorced Jamilies who came to our Hospital Jrom 1991 to 1994, a 10% of the total of patients attended. 68.5% of cbildren were mate and 94.4% under their motber's custody. With regard to tbe Jatber's psycbiatric diseases, 57. 7% were Alcoholics; 27. 7% oftbe mothers used to su/fer Jrom. Depression andAnxiety disorder. Asfor children diagnoses the predominant are: Behaviour disorder 45.6% and Anxíety disorder 32.6%. We have also compared these datas, mainly díagnose, age and sex, wíth the rest of chlidren attended in our Hospital, a total of 540.


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