Evolutionary aspects and new hypothesis in the investigation of adolescence



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López Villalobos , J. ., Ruiz Sanz, F. ., & Sánchez Azón, M. . (1994). Evolutionary aspects and new hypothesis in the investigation of adolescence . Revista De Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil, (1), 5–15. Retrieved from https://aepnya.eu/index.php/revistaaepnya/article/view/656



Orginial article


  • J.A. López Villalobos
  • F. Ruiz Sanz
  • M.I. Sánchez Azón


Adolescent, social, familiar, clinical and academic development


Adolescence is a period with total biopsicosociological entity. It has been widely studied offering contradictory information depending on the authors that have analysed it.
The aim of our study is to carry out an empirical analysis which may allow us to discern evolutive aspects, to contrast them with those of other authora and to generate new hypotheses of tnvestigation. Clinical, educational, familiar and sociolinguistic variables have been investigated in a sample of 577 teenagers Jrom Palencia (from 14 to 19 years of age) studiyng BUP and COU.
The information in the questíonnaires was analysed Jollowing the "Statistical Package Jor Social Sciences ". Measures of statistical significance were applied as well as those of degree of association between the analized variables.
Tbe results are concentrated in rekltivizing tbe concept of generational conjlict (familiar variables), empbasi.ze tbe critic to society, study determiners of social success (sociolinguistic variables), describe tbe need of psicbological attention perceived by tbe adolescent (clinical variable) and observe tbe educator's perception and tbe sexual dif.ferences depending on academic variables. 


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Author Biographies

J.A. López Villalobos

Unidad de Salud Mental Palencia

F. Ruiz Sanz

Unidad de Salud Mental Palencia

M.I. Sánchez Azón

Unidad de Salud Mental Palencia


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