Children and adolescentes suffering from HIV: mental health and psychiatric aspects and social-familiar issues



How to Cite

García Pérez, R., & de José Gómez, . M. I. (1995). Children and adolescentes suffering from HIV: mental health and psychiatric aspects and social-familiar issues. Revista De Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil, (2), 81–95. Retrieved from



Orginial article


  • R. García Pérez Hospital Infantil La Paz
  • Mª I de José Gómez Hospital Infantil La Paz


HIV infection, Social and Jamiliy situation, Pediatric AIDS, Mental Health and AIDS, Community Psychiatrics


First of ali, present Jactual data on the psychiatric and psychosocial aspects of the pediatric AIDS is reviewed as to the current main fines. Tbe study is illustrated with a patient and Jámily account in which the social and Jamily relations of the two groups of children sufferingfrom HIV are analysed. Tbese groups are: children ínfected by blood products, who presenta social and Jamily situation like the general population, except Jora chronical illness in the Jamily. 1be otber chíldren group vertically perinatal infected by their motbers bave a more complicated Jamily and social situation, there are IVDA parental records, and the majority is in charge of other relatives, usually grandparents. Concrete aspects are discussed regarding the information given to children and teenagers in view of the diagnosis and as regards behaviour prompted by the disclosure ofthe diagnosis. Anotheraspect taken tnto account is the attitudes which can be obserued in tbe social groups in contact with these children and their Jamilies (relatives, schoolmates, neighbours, and so on). Special attention is given to preventive aspects and the support provided Jor the specific cases of teenagers and their Jamilíes. Tbe most advisable treatments Jor children and teenagers Jrom the Community Mental Health Services are analysed in the different stages in the illness process.


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