Luck as determinant of social success (PSDS). Its association with social, clinical, educational and domestic variables in adolescence



How to Cite

López Villalobos, J. A., Ruiz Sanz, F., Sánchez Azón, M. l., Gil-Diez Usandizaga, C., & García Rodríguez, J. (1995). Luck as determinant of social success (PSDS). Its association with social, clinical, educational and domestic variables in adolescence. Revista De Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil, (2), 73–80. Retrieved from



Orginial article


  • J. A. López Villalobos Unidad de Salud Mental
  • F Ruiz Sanz Unidad de Salud Mental
  • M. l. Sánchez Azón Unidad de Salud Mental
  • C Gil-Diez Usandizaga Unidad de Salud Mental
  • J García Rodríguez Unidad de Salud Mental


Luck, Locus of external control


According to the atributional theory we define luck as an external and unsteady factor in a situation of success and we find that this variable is obviously associated with the focus of external control deftned by Rotter. According to different hypothesis which define progressive increase of externalities tn adolescents of our society, we decided to find out whether they percetved luck as a determinan of social success (PSDS) more than ability or knowledge (PCDS). Afterwards, we analysed their association with clinical, sociologtcal, domestic and educational variables, after baving been studied by investigators of the locus of control in adolescence. A questionnaire which contained the defined elements was added to a sample of 577 adolescents and different Jactors were analysed through tbe "Statistícal Package for Social Sciences", where measures of statistical significance and a degree of association among the variables were observed. From the results obtained we can conclude that the dimension of PSDS is a cognitive variable associated to the locus of external control but it does not behave in exactly the same way. Tbe dimension PSDS is a dif.ferential factor concerning the social welfare consideratíon, the perception of authoritarianism and the relationshíp wíth the teaching staff but ít does not dif.fer from PCDS in a significatíve way in the perceptíon the adolescents have of Jamilíar relationships or the analysed clinical variables.


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