School psychopathology: an epidemiological study



How to Cite

Rivas Terán, M., & Vázquez Barquero, J. L. (1995). School psychopathology: an epidemiological study. Revista De Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil, (1), 11–14. Retrieved from



Orginial article


  • MV Rivas Terán
  • J. L. Vázquez Barquero Hospital Marqués de Valdecilla


Psychopathology, Prevalence, Children


The study provides rates of prevalence in child psychopathology and to discover the association that socioenvironmental variables establish with regard to the alteration. The study has followed an epidemiological design of the cross sectional of a communitary in the school populatton. The sample is made up of 411 children aged between 8 and 15. The prevalence Jound in the clínica! symptoms based on assessment Jrom the parents, teachers and chíldren respective/y has been: symptoms of anxtety 8%, 21% and 23%; symptoms of depression 9%, 26% y 14%; and symptoms of behaviour alteration 7%, 21% and 16%. The sociodemographic variables are hardly related to the psychopathology in our study.


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