Stress and suicidal risk. Study of recent life events in suicide attempts by adolescents



How to Cite

Fernández Rivas, A., González Torres, M. A., & Lasa Zulueta, A. (1997). Stress and suicidal risk. Study of recent life events in suicide attempts by adolescents. Revista De Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil, (4), 241–247. Retrieved from



Orginial article


  • A Fernández Rivas Centro de Salud Mental de Portugalete
  • M. A González Torres Osakídetza-Servicio Vasco de Salud
  • A Lasa Zulueta Centro de Salud Mental de Portugalete


Suicide attempt, Adolescent, Recent life events, Stress


Suicide attempts are a kínd of suicida/ behavior specia!Jy frequent in adolescence. Its detailed study is seen as necessary considering the severity o/ its consecuences with the goal of a better preventive and therapeutic ap-proach. In this paper we address the relationship between life stress (calculated by measuring recent life euents) and performing a suicide attempt. A matched case-control study is developed comparing 29 adolescents suicide attempters (aged 15-18 year) to the same number of adolescents without antecedents of such behavior. Recent life events in the previous year were measured with the Recent Life Events Scale adapted fer adolescent spanish population by Mardomingo and González. During the previous year suicida! adolescents experienced more stress than the control group having suffered more life events in three areas of life family, couple and school.


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