Disorders associated to attention deficit disorder with and without hyperactivity



How to Cite

García-Sánchez, C. ., González, A. E., & Junqué, C. (2021). Disorders associated to attention deficit disorder with and without hyperactivity . Revista De Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil, (4), 280–284. Retrieved from https://aepnya.eu/index.php/revistaaepnya/article/view/615



Review article


  • C. García-Sánchez
  • A. Estéven González
  • C. Junqué


Attention dejlcit disorder with and without hyperactivity, Associated disorders


A persistent inattention and/or hyperactivity-­impulsivity characterize the attention deficit disordei'. Frequently it can be associated with other disorders: learníng disabílities, behavior dísorders and other psychopathological states. Tbese associated disorders increase the neuropsychological dyfifunctions of thc attcntion dcficit disordcr.


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Author Biographies

C. García-Sánchez

Sección de Neuropsicología. Servicio de Neurología Hospital de la Santa Cruz y San Pablo Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. 

A. Estéven González

Departamento ele Psiquiatría y Psicobiología Clínica  Universidad ele Barcelona

C. Junqué

Sección de Neuropsicología. Servicio ele Neurología Hospital de la Santa Cruz y San Pablo Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona.


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