Pointers of health (psychical and physical) of children residents at the mother)s unit in Carabanchet prison



How to Cite

Martín Prieto, M. V. ., Bayona García, M. J. ., & Barderas Marzal, E. . (2021). Pointers of health (psychical and physical) of children residents at the mother)s unit in Carabanchet prison . Revista De Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil, (3), 166–171. Retrieved from https://aepnya.eu/index.php/revistaaepnya/article/view/599



Orginial article


  • M. V. Martín Prieto
  • M. J. Bayona García
  • E. Barderas Marzal


Children in prisan, Mather's Unit in prisan


Beginningji·am a sample al 100 clinic recards, .fi·am children af ages hetween zera and faur years ald residents ar ex-residents at the mather's Unit of Carabanchel'sprisan, it's taken in cansideratian mental and physical health ratias.
This repart is madefor an investigatian team which has a five year's experience the paediatrician and twa years experience the psychiatrist and the nurse, at the Mather Unit.


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Author Biographies

M. V. Martín Prieto

Médico psiquiatra infanto-juvenil

M. J. Bayona García


E. Barderas Marzal

Médico pediatria Servicio de Salud Mental de Carabanchel Madrid


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