Sleep disorders in 0-6 years old children. A comparative study between insomnia and tyrannization



How to Cite

M. Sais, M. ., Ampudia, M., Hernández, M. l. ., & Tomas, J. . (2021). Sleep disorders in 0-6 years old children. A comparative study between insomnia and tyrannization . Revista De Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil, (2), 89–93. Retrieved from



Orginial article


  • M. M. Sais
  • M. Ampudia
  • M. l. Hernández
  • J. Tomas


Sleep (in chíldren), Sleep disorders in chíldhood, Jnsomnia, Tyrannization


We studied 556 clínica! histories of children ranging in ageji-oin O to 6 years old and found sleep disorders in 148 o/ the 556 cases (23%) reviewed. These 148 cases were divided into two groups depending on the existence ar not of a demandy by the childfor attentionfrom the parents. The former groups is denominated as "Jnsomnia" (when /here is a lack of demand of attention) and "Tyrannization,, (when the demandjor attention is evident).
The comparíson between botb groups was pe1:fonned by nieans qf' binomial calculation, the d{fferences being signff'icant in some qj' the variables studied. Thus, it semms that "Tyrannization" should associated witb situations qj'rívaliy ánd jealousy in ve1y deside1·d children who had been educated in a permissive way, whilst "Insomnía;, in our series seems linked more to matureness, bereavement in thefamiliy and rejection attitude by parents towards the child.


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Author Biographies

M. M. Sais

Unidad de Psiquiatría Hospital Universitario Materno-Infantil Vall d'Hebron. Barcelona

M. Ampudia

Unidad de Psiquiatría Hospital Universitario Materno-Infantil Vall d'Hebron. Barcelona

M. l. Hernández

Unidad de Psiquiatría Hospital Universitario Materno-Infantil Vall d'Hebron. Barcelona

J. Tomas

Unidad de Psiquiatría Hospital Universitario Materno-Infantil Vall d'Hebron. Barcelona


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