Psychiatric pathology associated to suicidal attempts



How to Cite

Catalina Zamora, M. L., & Mardomingo Sanz, M. J. (1997). Psychiatric pathology associated to suicidal attempts. Revista De Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil, (1), 17–20. Retrieved from



Orginial article


  • M. L. Catalina Zamora Centro San Juan de Dios
  • M. J. Mardomingo Sanz Hospital General Universitario Gregario Marañón


Suicidal attempt, Psychiatric disorders, Suicide attempt and depressive features, Disruptive behavior disorders


Objetive: The purpose of this study is to know the psychiatric disorders associated to suicidal behavior and to report depressive and behavior problems in children and adolescents in the attempt suicide moment. Method: Data were collected on 30 inpatients with suicida! attempt in a children and adolescent Psychiatric Unit and 45 non-suicidal children from the general population, matched far age, sex and socieconomic classe. Results: Classification of mental disorders according to DSM-III-R criteria, showed that the most prevalent disorders associate with suicide attempt were ajfective disorders (23.3%) and conduct disorders (16.6%}. Suicida! subjects had significatly more depressive syntoms: feelings of worthlessness or inappropiate guilt, depressed mood or irritable mood and diminished interest or pleasure. Behavior problems as violence, fights and stealing were also present.


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