Fluctuating asymmetry and obstetric complications in autism



How to Cite

Navarro, F., Gómez-Ferrer, C. ., Canteras, M. ., & Barcia, D. . (2021). Fluctuating asymmetry and obstetric complications in autism. Revista De Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil, (1), 6–13. Retrieved from https://aepnya.eu/index.php/revistaaepnya/article/view/540



Orginial article


  • F. Navarro
  • C. Gómez-Ferrer
  • M. Canteras
  • D. Barcia


Autism, Fluctuating asymmetry, Dermatoglyphics, Obstetric complications


High levels of/luctuating asym1netry in an organism suggest a low capacity to hii/fer the environmental stressor inte1ferring with the genetically determined
"progra1n of development". The pres en ce qf ohstetric complications and jluctuating asymmet1y was assessed in a group qf 20 autistic patients and 20 non-autistic, non-psychotic patíents studied wítb t­test. Fluctuating asymmetry was measured for two independent, continous, ermatoglyphic traíts (a-b ridge count and atd angle) using tbe absolute va!ues qf right minus lejt dif./erences. These results suggest that autístic patients have a more frequent histo1y ql obstetric complications and that they could present a greater vulnerahility to environmental stressors, expressed as a greater degree q/jluctuating asymmetry.


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Author Biographies

F. Navarro

Médico Interno Residente ele Psiquiatría.

C. Gómez-Ferrer

Jefe del servicio de Psiquiatría Infanta-Juvenil

M. Canteras

Catedrático de Bioestaclística. Facultad de Medicina de Murcia

D. Barcia

Jefe del Servicio de Psiquiatría del Hospital General Universitario de Murcia. Catedrático de Psiquiatría. Facultad ele Medicina de Murcia


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