Obssessive_;,compulsive disorder in children: psychopathological approach an treatments



How to Cite

Pedreira, J., & Felipe, E. . (2000). Obssessive_;,compulsive disorder in children: psychopathological approach an treatments. Revista De Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil, (3), 130–140. Retrieved from https://aepnya.eu/index.php/revistaaepnya/article/view/489



Orginial article


  • J.L. Pedreira
  • E. Felipe


Obsessive-compulsive disorder, Children, Psychopat­hology, Psychosis, Psychosomatic


There is a clear consensus on the frequency with which an Obsessive-Compufsive Disorder (OCD) initiates in adolescence and in infancy. There exist a scarce amount of research which gives a clear description of the psychopathology and the clinicaf view, an aspee/ which is even more importan{ in children, due to the fact that during infancy it is usually normal to see repe­titive behaviours. Because of this we must clarify the different clinical features in which these disorders can appear during infancy and adolescence, which in turn will al!ow us to give a precise diagnostic and the mosl appropiate type of treatment. The observation of clinical features are usually seen as a) Obsessive-compulsi­ve behaviours both in psychotic disorders and their or cognitive handicap. In both cases, as the clinical view or as an achieved "way out" by the psychotherapeutic tre­allnent which the chi/d was involved in. b) Disorders with anxiety components such as obsessive-compulsive, with those who have reactivity from stress, tics and from the conspicuous OCD. e) Obsessive ideas in Ajfective Disorders or Mood Disorders. d) Associated with Eating Disorders, Gil/es de la Tourette Syndrome, Somatoform Disorders andlor Phobic Disorders, a fun­damental aspect, since in children there is an important confusion and overlap between both disorders. Presen­ted here you will see paradimagtic cases of each one of the clinical views considered. 


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Author Biographies

J.L. Pedreira

• Paidopsiquiatra. Sección Psiquiatría Infantil. Hospital Infantil Uni­versitario Niño Jesús. Madrid.

E. Felipe

Psicóloga Clínico. Facultad Psicología de la Universidad de Sala­manca.


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