The ansiety disorders in preschoolers, instruments evaluation: review of questionaries, scales and inventory



How to Cite

Xicoy, S. ., Masdeu, E. ., Jané, M. C., & Doménech-Llaberia, E. . (2000). The ansiety disorders in preschoolers, instruments evaluation: review of questionaries, scales and inventory . Revista De Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil, (2), 101–112. Retrieved from



Review article


  • S. Xicoy
  • E. Masdeu
  • M C. Jané
  • E. Doménech-Llaberia


Anxiety disorder, psychopatologic evaluation, evalu­tion instruments, preschoolers


To get a reliable diagnostic of the anxiety disorders (anxieties, fears and phobias) at preschool age and a/so to obtain a most reliable and complete evaluation of the altered symptoms and behaviors, is one of the key objectives in the infantil-youtleful mental health. Nevertheless, the evaluation of this kind of alterations is based on an recent investigation where al! the suita­ble instruments are revised in arder to classify and eva­luate one of the most frequent disorders in kids aged fi·om three to six.
Sorne of the questionnaires, sea/es and inventaries are of specific interest far the evaluation process, and in tf¡is period, they have as a common denominator to distin­guish between the simple evolutionqry characteristics at preschooler stage and those ones that are considered to be a risk far the disturbance. Since most of the anxiety disor­ders at the preschool age are occasionally, it is necessary to use dijeren/ kinds of evaluation. The picking up of the information by different resources, gives more reliability to the diagnostic process an at the same time allows to get a general view of the origin of the mentioned disorders.
The main objective of the present investigation is to verify that the available instruments are extreme/y gene­ric, so they don't always allow us to gel a differential diagnostic of anxiety disorders. 


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Author Biographies

S. Xicoy

Unitat de Psicopatología Clínica Infanto-Juvenil. Departament de Psicología de la Salut i Psicología Social. Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona

E. Masdeu

Unitat de Psicopatología Clínica Infanto-Juvenil. Departament de Psicología de la Salut i Psicología Social. Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona

M C. Jané

Unitat de Psicopatología Clínica Infanto-Juvenil. Departament de Psicología de la Salut i Psicología Social. Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona

E. Doménech-Llaberia

Unitat de Psicopatología Clínica Infanto-Juvenil. Departament de Psicología de la Salut i Psicología Social. Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona


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