Coping strategies in adolescents and community health education



How to Cite

Benito, A., Aparicio, M., Briones, A., & Ruiz, M. J. (1998). Coping strategies in adolescents and community health education. Revista De Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil, (4), 245–255. Retrieved from



Orginial article


  • A. Benito C.I.S.-E.S. Mental Infanto-Juvenil del distrito de Tetuán
  • M. Aparicio Universidad Complutense de Madrid
  • A. Briones I.E .S. Tetuán-Valdeacederas
  • Mª J. Ruiz I.E.S. Nª S. de la Almudena


Adolescents, Stressors, Coping strategies, Health Education, Coping Abilities, Social Resources


A continuing concern within the science and practice of health promotion is the insujficient counection between the research carried out and health promotion practice. This experience is aimed at closing the gap between research and practice. In the context of a community health education strategy far improving adolescents ' mental health in the Tetuán 's district (Madrid) we set out to explore the manner in which adolescents tackle every day events in their lives. A sample of 228 adolescents (111 male and 96 fema/e, 14 to 15 years) was measured by the J. Seiffge-Krenke 's Coping-Across-Situations-Questionane (CASQ). The founded results are applied to improve the abilities of adolescents in managing stress and using social resources. Also to leam and practice a diversity of coping strategies suitable far different problems.


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