Psychological projile of acondroplasic children



How to Cite

Hernández, M. ., & González, M. A. . (2000). Psychological projile of acondroplasic children . Revista De Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil, (2), 87–94. Retrieved from



Orginial article


  • M.l. Hernández
  • M. A. González


Jnfancy, Achondroplasia, Psychological Projile, fntelligence quotient


This study aimed to determine the psychological cha­racteristics of children with a diagnosis of Achondroplasia that underwent osseus lengthening sur­gery in their limbs. Particular/y, we studied the psycho­logical projile, JQ, and social acijustment of achondro­plasic children aged 7 - 12 years. Ali children were given measures of intelligence (WJSC-R), projective tests, an adjustment questionnaire, and a semi-structu­red interview befare undergoing surgery. In addition, the parents were given a questionnaire (CBC). Results suggested that, compared to control subjects, achondro­plasic children tended to be more insecure, dependen!, introverted, to have lower seif-steem, and a tendency to tyrannize.


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Author Biographies

M.l. Hernández

Psicóloga Clínica

M. A. González

Médico especialista en Rehabilitación


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