Separation anxiety disorders in children: comorbidity and follow-up



How to Cite

Sánchez, B., & Pedreira, J. L. (1998). Separation anxiety disorders in children: comorbidity and follow-up. Revista De Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil, (2), 87–93. Retrieved from



Orginial article


  • B. Sánchez Unidad de Salud Mental Infantil del Área Sanitaria de Avilés
  • J. L. Pedreira Unidad de Salud Mental Infantil del Área Sanitaria de Avilés


Separation anxiety, Childhood, Comorbidity, Longitudinal follow-up


The concept of separation anxiety disorders in children are revised, following CIE-10' criteria. The prevalence rate in an clinical sample was 23,5%. The prevalent clinicaL presentation was comorbidity both the somatoform and behabioral disorders. The treatment was both the psychophannacological and psychotherapeutic approaches. The Longi.tudinaL follow-up have detected the following conditions: behavioral disorders, emotionaL and behavioral disorders and dysthymia.


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