Adolescent mother 's children. A descriptive study



How to Cite

Clavera Roger, M., Palazón Azorín, l. ., Esteve Casellas, C., & Mira, J. J. (1998). Adolescent mother ’s children. A descriptive study. Revista De Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil, (1), 20–24. Retrieved from



Orginial article


  • M. Clavera Roger Unidad de Salud Mental Infantil Alicante
  • l. Palazón Azorín Unidad de Salud Mental Infantil Alicante
  • C. Esteve Casellas Unidad de Salud Mental Infantil Alicante
  • J. J. Mira Unidad de Salud Mental Infantil Alicante


Adolescent mother 's children, Childhood Psychopathology


Being an adolescent mother has been considered classically on the literature as one possible family risk factor for the descent 's subsequent development. Clinical Histories from our Unit having a common characteristic that is "adolescent age when she became mother for the first time" has been reviewed with two objective: Describing the social circumstances in this mother 's group and evaluating the possible injluence of the mother 's age on the subsequent appearance of mental health problems in childhood. Our results indicate that there is a high rate o/ adolescent mothers whiting patients from our Unit. We identify a high prevalence o/ five risk factors in these children, which have influence both over the child of the adolescent mother as well as the nexts. We found as more /requent DSM-R diagnostics Code V and distiirbing behaviours. There were sorne statistically significative diflerences in the diagnostic between the first son of an adolescent mother and the others.


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