Folie à deux: a case report



How to Cite

Corral y Alonso, M. A., Pelaz Antolín, A., & Assiel Rodríguez, M. A. (2011). Folie à deux: a case report. Revista De Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil, 28(4), 73–78. Retrieved from



Case reports


  • M A Corral y Alonso Centro de Salud Mental de Alcalá de Henares
  • A Pelaz Antolín Centro de Salud Mental de Alcalá de Henares
  • M A Assiel Rodríguez Hospital de Día-Centro Educativo Terapéutico de Alcalá de Henares


Children, folie à deux, induced delusional disorder, shared psychotic disorder


 The “folie à deux” or induced delusional disorder or shared psychotic disorder is a rare disorder characterized by the presence of psychotic symptoms, delusions usually, in two or more persons, often members of a family with social isolation, and only one patient has a genuine psychotic disorder. Treatment planning usually requires the physical separation of patients. We present a case in which the primary inductor is a 17-years-old girl who suffers paranoid schizophrenia and induced secondary subject is her mother.


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Author Biographies

M A Corral y Alonso, Centro de Salud Mental de Alcalá de Henares


A Pelaz Antolín, Centro de Salud Mental de Alcalá de Henares

Psiquiatra Infantil

M A Assiel Rodríguez, Hospital de Día-Centro Educativo Terapéutico de Alcalá de Henares

Psiquiatra Infantil.


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