Borderline Personality Disorder in Adolescence: Proposal of Group Intervention in USMI-J in Alicante



How to Cite

García Quintero, C., & Martín Moreno, E. (2014). Borderline Personality Disorder in Adolescence: Proposal of Group Intervention in USMI-J in Alicante. Revista De Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil, 31(1), 16–21. Retrieved from



Orginial article


  • C García Quintero Unidad de salud mental infanto- juvenil Cabo Huertas
  • E Martín Moreno


BPD, adolescence, group therapy


Borderline personality disorder (BPD), is the most frequent of personality disorders, and one of the most severe in global impairment. It shows huge symptomatic variability and high comorbidity rate, so that it spends a big amount of public health service resources. The beginning of this disorder takes place in late adolescence, so Child and Adolescent Mental Health Units (USMI-J) have a relevant role in early diagnosis and intervention. In this article, we describe clinics, early diagnosis difficulties and controversies about it; although in recent investigation it is gradually more accepted. We describe the most relevant psychotherapeutic interventions useful in BPD and its adaptation for adolescent population. We remark initiatives developed in our country, most of all in combination of group and individual therapy, and finally, it is proposed a specific group intervention in order to improve treatment in USMI-J in Alicante.


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Author Biographies

C García Quintero, Unidad de salud mental infanto- juvenil Cabo Huertas

Psicóloga especialista en psicología clínica. Unidad de salud mental infanto- juvenil Cabo Huertas (Alicante)

Cayetana García Quintero. Unidad de Salud Mental Infanto – Juvenil Cabo Huertas (Alicante) Calle Arpón s/n Alicante 03540. 965160928

E Martín Moreno

Psicóloga especialista en psicología clínica. Unidad de salud mental infanto- juvenil San Vicente del Raspeig (Alicante)


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