Burns in children and their psychosocial rehabilitation



How to Cite

L. Jiménez, J. ., Hermana, M. T. ., Latorre, J. ., Serrada, M. T., Aldama, E. ., Béjar Abajas, J. M. ., Jul Vázquez, C., Gabilondo, F. J. ., & Figuerido-Poulain, J. L. . (2021). Burns in children and their psychosocial rehabilitation . Revista De Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil, (2), 131–135. Retrieved from https://aepnya.eu/index.php/revistaaepnya/article/view/580



Orginial article


  • J. L. Jiménez
  • M. T. Hermana
  • J. Latorre
  • M. T. Serrada
  • E. Aldama
  • J. M. Béjar Abajas
  • C. Jul Vázquez
  • F. J. Gabilondo
  • J. L. Figuerido-Poulain


Pediatric burns, Plastic surgery, Psychosocial rehabilitation


Preinju1y mental health is said to be a majar predictivefactor in the rehabilitation progress q/ hum patients. The literature regarding children's hurn injuries clearly documents the relationship between the previous adjustment qfthefamily and the psychosocial rehahilitation apei· bums in childhood.
Tbis study show the rehahilitation progress q/ 14 majar hurn pediati-ic patients. The results indicate the importance of defining outcome wíth a multídisciplinary approach in pediatric hurn pattents.


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Author Biographies

J. L. Jiménez

Departamento de Pediatría

M. T. Hermana

Departamento de Pediatría

J. Latorre

Departamento de Pediatría

M. T. Serrada

Departamento de Pediatría

E. Aldama

Departamento de Pediatría

J. M. Béjar Abajas

Servicio de Cirugía Plástica y Grandes quemados Hospital ele Cruces 

C. Jul Vázquez

Servicio de Cirugía Plástica y Grandes quemados Hospital ele Cruces

F. J. Gabilondo

Servicio de Cirugía Plástica y Grandes quemados Hospital ele Cruces

J. L. Figuerido-Poulain

Servicio de Psiquiatria. Hospital Santiago Apfotol (Álava)


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