Assessment and intervention in executive functions and language in students with Specific Language Impairment: a research project



How to Cite

Acosta, V., & Hernández, S. (2012). Assessment and intervention in executive functions and language in students with Specific Language Impairment: a research project. Revista De Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil, 29(4), 28–38. Retrieved from



Orginial article


  • Víctor Acosta Facultad de Educación, Universidad de La Laguna
  • Sergio Hernández Facultad de Educación, Universidad de La Laguna


Developmental neuropsychology, executive functions, speech therapy intervention in educational settings, specific language impairment


Alterations in the acquisition and/or language productionhave serious consequences in children’s personal,academic and social development. It is necessary to identifythe child population that has linguistic deficits, in order to implement intervention programs that could offerboth in the context of the classroom and individually topromote educational inclusion. The development of interventionprograms starts with a diagnostic process thatprovides a comprehensive characterization of the specificdisease which we are working on. Our aim is to identifya large sample of children aged between 5 to 12 yearsold, who had diagnostic criteria for Specific LanguageImpairment (SLI). This group will be evaluated on a setof language and neuropsychological tasks. The pattern ofbrain activity during a language task will be measured byfunctional Magnetic Resonance Imaging. The SLI groupwill be matched in age, educational level and IQ witha control group. The SLI group will receive a specificintegrated and contextualized intervention program andlinguistic and structural goals will be designed for it, forthree years. After this period, a new evaluation will beheld. In short, a more objective and accurate diagnosisof SLI is developed, as well as to intervene in linguisticand neuropsychological aspects of the impairment, andto know whether the increase in SLI children’s linguisticperformance correlates with measures of brain activity.


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Author Biography

Víctor Acosta, Facultad de Educación, Universidad de La Laguna

Facultad de Educación, Universidad de La Laguna


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